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Special Programs

The Refugee Experience in Canada and the Power of Community Engagement through Volunteerism

Join the Canada Connects Team from Calgary Catholic Immigration Society, a non-denominational immigrant serving agency, who will be talking about the refugee experience in Canada and the critical role of volunteerism in fostering connections and integration in Calgary. Learn about the Canada Connects impact and how their volunteers play a vital role in supporting refugees as they navigate their new lives, build relationships, and find a sense of belonging and community. Discover how you can contribute to creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all.

Date:Monday, February 24
Time:1 - 2:30 PM 
Where: Haysboro Community Centre - Social Lounge 
 1204 89 Avenue SW 
 Plenty of parking in the parking lot
 Wheelchair Accessible
Facilitator:Brenda Solheim, Special Programs Coordinator

Registration is open to Members and one Guest ($5 charge for Guest)

Registration cut-off: February 20th

The area of Special Programs includes initiatives such as Lunch and Learn, bus trips, conferences, and music festivals. It also includes groups that operate outside the parameters governing CALL interest groups. To discuss whether your Interest Group, Speaker Event or other initiative fits Special Programs contact: Coordinator    

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