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The Sacred Teachings of the Medicine Wheel with Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes

The Medicine Wheel metaphor contains traditional teachings in many Indigenous cultures. While there is some variation in its teachings and representations, the underlying web meaning addresses the importance of appreciating and respecting the ongoing interconnectedness and interrelatedness of all things.

Knowledge Keeper Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes presents her teachings as a way of understanding Indigenous ways of thinking and knowing and as a teaching tool to keep life in balance, moderation and acceptance. She makes a connection between her learning and the Siksikaitsitapi Medicine Wheel on Nose Hill and offers a guide to how one might live life.

Bio: Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes is a proud Nehiyaw Iskwao (Cree Woman), a member of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan, Treaty Six. Her ceremonially gifted Cree name translates to “Healing Woman Who Walks Far”, and she has resided in Calgary, Treaty 7, Alberta, since 1993. Cheryle earned a BA in Communications and a BA in Canadian “Native” Studies from the University of Calgary, and a Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations from Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton.

Cheryle has been an Indigenous activist within Calgary and area for the past decade, speaking, marching, singing and drumming for women, MMIWG2S/Sisters in Spirit/Justice for Jackie Crazybull, Indigenous Justice, championing the environment and equality, and speaking up for those who cannot. Cheryle retired as Administrative Coordinator at the Native Centre at the University of Calgary; she was former Leader of the Green Party of Alberta (2018-2019). Recognized as a Traditional Knowledge Keeper, Cheryle provides service sharing Indigenous protocol, Territorial Acknowledgements, cultural teachings and stories, prayers and ceremony (upon request). She is a member of the Storytellers of Canada and Storytelling Alberta as an Indigenous storyteller and performer. Cheryle is mother of two, and “Kokum” (grandmother) to four beautiful grandchildren.

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